Once the sale has been confirmed, after you have clicked on “Artwork Available”, the order will be under the “Awaiting for carrier name” statut or the “Awaiting for availability” statut depending on whether the customer has chosen to have the artwork delivered or to collect it themselves.
Once the artwork is about to be dispatched (read our packaging instructions here), go to your gallery space again and click on the “Order" tab, then on the order, you can see that the statut of the order is “Awaiting for carrier name”.
Fill in the three required fields: the carrier name (“carrier name”), the package number (“package number”), and the timeframe for the delivery. You will also need to upload the invoice in .pdf format (more details in this article) before confirming by clicking on the “Artwork sent” button in the bottom right.
The order will then be in the “In delivery” statut. You have to validate the delivery of the work. Therefore keep an eye on the tracking of your shipment and when it indicates "delivered" you can validate the order. To confirm that the artwork has been delivered, you must upload the artwork’s certificate of authenticity (if it was specified that the artwork was sold with a certificate); for more details, click here.
Please ensure that you don’t skip any steps and that you complete them in a timely manner. There is no point indicating that the artwork has been delivered to speed up the process if this is not the cas, we check with all of our customers to confirm whether or not they have collected the artwork.
Click here to access to your orders !